Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Pirate Service Announcement from Mutiny Magazine.

Because tomorrow is such a colossal holiday (nigh as colossal as Talderoy's kitten) and we don't want any of ye doing it wrong, please remember these few but oh, so important, Protocols of Pirattitude:

Firstly: You can't talk like a pirate if you don't also smell like a pirate, so refrain from showering or even going near soap tomorrow. Hell, skip that shower tonight and you'll be ahead of the game tomorrow with a wooden leg up on all the competition!

Secondly: Your pirate-speak will be uberly unconvincing if your breath does not reek of liquor -or at least reek- so brushing your teeth is forbidden, as well. Again, if ye enact that toothpaste prohibition tonight, then by the time ye awaken at sunrise noon tomorrow ye'll already be in finest form for Smell Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Lastly: Don't even worry about repelling the womenfolk with your lacking of oral and bodily hygiene, after all; if a wench rejects ye just because ye smell like a pit of stale bilge water, well, she probably wasn't drunk enough to have gone home with you anyway!

For something more substantial and informative, visit Chumbucket and Cap'n Slappy's official site for Talk Like A Pirate Day.
Godspeed and enjoy the parties!
-Bullet and the Mutiny Crew

Missed any Mutiny News updates? Find them all HERE!  


  1. My Stench be already notorious! Eye knows ifen Eye raise a peg leg to ye.. Yar timbers be shivered and ye sense of smell shall never be the same! Yarrr ..
    Happy TLAPD !

  2. I'll be out with crew at a place where Mead is on the menu, the breeze can blow in my feathers and the full moon will be clearer then my mind.

    Enjoy this day as it only comes but once a year and if someone can figure out how to howl at the moon in Pirate I want video.

    Yours in time.
    Charity Ann Rackham
    Jade DragonPirates

  3. "Talk Like a Pirate Day" thinks perhaps the only truly international holiday/event EVER! Huzzah!!!
